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Monday, August 13, 2012

The Night Sea People

Yes the title does sound cheesy, but I just couldn't think of what other titles to write. Anyhoodle, the title give a slight definition to the book I've been reading. Titled Vampirates author by Justin Somper. It is a good read with the combination of pirates that sail across the sea searching for booty while vampires roam the dark devouring blood.

The intriguing title led me to buy the book and absorbed me into their adventures. I won't give any spoilers, of course. This spans into 6 books and I'm still waiting for the last one because Malaysia have a tendency to do everything slow, so it will be in stock after Hari Raya- hoping for that!

Yes this is more of a children story and is also placed at the children section in a bookstore but I still love how the progress of the story goes. Plus,each book always end in a cliffhanger and that keeps urging me to read the next one.

To any Harry Potter fans out there, this is NOT the same story. It may have a slight resemblance, however the story is definitely different and so is the adventure as this is in the vast open sea. I urge many fantasy cum adventures lovers out there to grab this book!

p/s: I'm looking forward for this book to be filmed
sign a petition to make vampirates a movie. click on this link http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/vampirates-movie.html

xoxo luv sapphirejest