we heart it pictures

Heart It

Sunday, May 31, 2015


I have a pen,
My pen is blue,
I have a friend,
My friend is Mg (not magnesium)

Okay, so just last week I went over to Surabaya, Indonesia to visit her. It was a last minute decision as she wants companion for the weekend when her fiancé was on a short holiday trip in Bali. I booked the tickets just two days before I fly.

Anyway, she provided great hospitality and really give her attention to me and I get to have a gist of her life and the plans for her wedding. I will try to help as much as I can but only if she needed- not willing to poke my nose if is not my business.

However, I still feel a little distance from her aside from friendship. She was raised with a silver spoon, have everything she wanted and the luckiest person- in my opinion as she has not taken the train while studying in University in KL. Plus, she has male friends willing to drive her if she needed to go somewhere.

And now, she have a well off fiancé that can support her for a lifetime. She is definitely down to earth, she don't wear branded stuff from head to toe and knows but on certain occasions only. However, when it comes to socializing, I'm still pretty bad at it- I did not take marketing or mass communications, and I was said to be an introvert. She had years of experience from university to modelling. I respect her quite a lot due to her knowledge of handling people.

All in all, she is still wickedly cool.

xoxo luv sapphirejest

AFA + comic con 2015 bangkok

Hi there lovely people (throw sparkles and rainbows and skittles).

Recently I went to Bangkok for an anime event- AFA (Anime Festival Asia) and only to find out there was another event nearby, Comic Con Thailand. So we manage to kill two birds with one stone.

It was a huge surprised for me, because I only manage to find out on AFA around end of March, hence I only had a month to planned and make my new costume. I was thinking of cosplaying Serah Farron but it was too simple, sometimes I realize it doesn't bring much attraction- I'm not adorable.

Finally, I decided to re-use my pink wig and cosplay------ (drum roll)- Lumina. Another adorable character with full of spunk, slightly dark and mysterious and of course childish.
It took me the whole month to make the whole attire and yes I am proud to say it was all hand sewn. I admit I was definitely stressed, I had to find the beads, the feathers, the cloth and sewing was pretty tough too.

After a gruelling month of hardwork, it came out fine- not perfect but fine and fitted as it was my very first costume made solely by me. Aside from that, my mum assisted in making the spikes (at the left shoulder and right shoes). I couldn't find the material at my end and my mum was really interested to involved herself with arts and craft plus she has the talent for it.

Sadly when I wore the costume, everyone was more charmed by the spikes that took only 3 days to make instead of my entire costume that took a whole month. I was really depressed since many took the liberty to buy the costume rather than making their own, hence many people think my costume was made by a seamstress or pre-order. Well, I mustn't give up now, can I? I will definitely make more costume to my liking and enhance my sewing skills!

Alright, enough about my costume alone, feast your eyes to the spectacular costumes of every other cosplayers.

Here's the snippet of the events. Sorry there was a lot of me with another cosplayer, I'll try to find more pictures in my sister's phone.

xoxo luv sapphirejest

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Para Para Paradise

First word that came to mind when Bali is mentioned? Tropical island with beautiful beaches, waves crashing down- famous tourist destination for those who wishes to escape from the bone-biting winter.

Yeap, I was there with my sister and two cousins. It was supposed to be a birthday gift that my sister and one of the cousin had planned but they invited us, so hey just enjoy!

Definitely one of the best vacation I had so far! I went white water rafting at Telaga Waja which is graded the most challenging one in Bali, then we went ATV riding, it was more of a massage. While riding it, I felt my whole body shaking together to the rhythm of the bike and it was so loud, I can't even hear myself. Oh, I got stuck halfway since I'm bad at driving manual, they finally got me a automatic one instead (embarrassing).

Not forgetting, my sis and I learn how to shred the waves by surfing, but we ended up falling more than we shred. Unfortunately, my belly piercing swollen and bled, so I had to stopped halfway, but enough of this pulsating stuff. It healed alright now for those wondering.

Also, we stayed in a huge three-story villa with two rooms and a private pool. We drank and watched movie and also just having fun in the pool. It was really nice to have your own privacy and get crazy once a while.

private pool!!
The next few days, my cousins and us (sister and I) split up as we visit Bali temples and other famous destinations while my cousins book another house further up to the coast that leads directly to the beach. I of course enjoy the day trip and finally get the eat the local food "babi guling". It was spicy and yummy, I ended drinking more water than I eat- I'm bad at spicy food.

babi guling!

So the 7 days was amazeball and although we spend more time in Kuta, the shopping haggling haven, I wished to return to Bali again some day, learning how to surf again and party. I never get the chance to party partly because I'm with my relatives, is really wrong to show your wild animal in front of them.

beautiful sunset at heritage hotel

coffee is not my cup of tea

desserts for thee?

view from the private villa

massage anyone?

rafters are ready!

knees and elbow pads- checked!

OMG the plane crash landed (joking)

clear sea water- I love you


cliché model pose

xoxo luv sapphirejest

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Island in an island

Hellllooooo there

You know when you read some nice articles somewhere and you wish you'll do it or go to that location? Well after reading someone's blog about an island in Singapore island where I don't need to bring my passport, I jump into the bandwagon and rode off to that island. (actually it was a boat, not a wagon but you get my point)

So I dragged one of my friend to accompany me to this mysterious and historical island. It was St. John and Kusu Island. We had to pay a round trip of $8 (?) from marina south pier, sorry please dismiss the lack of proper direction, it happened few months back, I have poor memory. LOL

Anyway, as the boat first stop was at St. John island, we took a big tour and we followed the crowd to the famous hidden beach which is apparently not so secret anymore at Lazarus Island! The water looks blue and it was full of people but it was too hot for me to dive in, it was about 2pm, the sun is high!

We took a short break and ate some bread we brought and climb aboard the small ferry to another island- Kusu Island. Story passed down by both Malays and Chinese in Singapore says a magical tortoise turned itself into an island to save two shipwrecked sailors - a Malay and a Chinese. However the island was much smaller than St. John and there was no beach for you to swim in it. Only mud and dirty sand.

I was totally disappointed that the website said there was a beach, probably it was low tide but I reached that island around 4pm. Hence, we ended up touring the beach and climb the stairs to visit the holy shrines of Malay saints and Chinese temples.

I return with bad sunburn.

the not-so-secret beach at Lazarus Island

would you dare to dive into that?

xoxo luv sapphirejest

pictures come to LIFE!

Hey there beautiful people

This was quite long ago, but I just thought hey maybe I should blog about it. No harm doing so.

I went to a 3D art museum called- Trick eye museum at Sentosa, where pictures comes to life when you take at a right angle. Wait, I think every angle will still make the picture popped out. And of course, my friend and I tried to pose the funkiest, crazy or cliché poses.

It was pretty pricey in my opinion but I manage to get the tickets cheaper by 30%? I think it was supposed to be more than $20, but I got it for $17? Honestly I can't remember, I know it was lesser than $20 per person and I got it from Groupon.

Here are the few pictures, credit to my friend's photography skills.

things are not always what they seem

xoxo luv sapphirejest