we heart it pictures

Heart It

Sunday, May 31, 2015

AFA + comic con 2015 bangkok

Hi there lovely people (throw sparkles and rainbows and skittles).

Recently I went to Bangkok for an anime event- AFA (Anime Festival Asia) and only to find out there was another event nearby, Comic Con Thailand. So we manage to kill two birds with one stone.

It was a huge surprised for me, because I only manage to find out on AFA around end of March, hence I only had a month to planned and make my new costume. I was thinking of cosplaying Serah Farron but it was too simple, sometimes I realize it doesn't bring much attraction- I'm not adorable.

Finally, I decided to re-use my pink wig and cosplay------ (drum roll)- Lumina. Another adorable character with full of spunk, slightly dark and mysterious and of course childish.
It took me the whole month to make the whole attire and yes I am proud to say it was all hand sewn. I admit I was definitely stressed, I had to find the beads, the feathers, the cloth and sewing was pretty tough too.

After a gruelling month of hardwork, it came out fine- not perfect but fine and fitted as it was my very first costume made solely by me. Aside from that, my mum assisted in making the spikes (at the left shoulder and right shoes). I couldn't find the material at my end and my mum was really interested to involved herself with arts and craft plus she has the talent for it.

Sadly when I wore the costume, everyone was more charmed by the spikes that took only 3 days to make instead of my entire costume that took a whole month. I was really depressed since many took the liberty to buy the costume rather than making their own, hence many people think my costume was made by a seamstress or pre-order. Well, I mustn't give up now, can I? I will definitely make more costume to my liking and enhance my sewing skills!

Alright, enough about my costume alone, feast your eyes to the spectacular costumes of every other cosplayers.

Here's the snippet of the events. Sorry there was a lot of me with another cosplayer, I'll try to find more pictures in my sister's phone.

xoxo luv sapphirejest

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